Reading Other People’s Mail: 2 Peter – Day 3
Day 3 – 1 Peter 2
Take a moment to read 1 Peter 2
Be On Guard Because There are Many False Teachers
Again, we want to believe the best about people. At the same time though we have to have discernment. Peter says that there are false teachers even in the church. He even tell us what they do. They:
- Introduce destructive heresies (v.1)
- Deny Jesus who bought them (v.1)
- Follow shameful ways (v.2)
- Exploit people with the stories they make up (v.3)
- Slander celestial beings (v.10)
- Spread blasphemous teaching (v.12)
- Carouse about in broad daylight (v.13)
- Have eyes full of adultery (v.14)
- Never stop sinning (v.14)
- Seduce the unstable (v.14)
- Are experts in greed (v.14)
- Left the straight way (v.15)
- Are springs without water (v.17)
- Mouth empty, boastful words that appeal to the lustful desires of human nature (v. 18)
- Entice people who are trying to escape from those who live in error (v.18)
- Promise freedom while being slaves to sin (v.19)
Peter doesn’t have anything good to say about false teachers. He even ends by comparing them to dogs who return to their own vomit and a sow that is just washed going back to the mud (v.22).
There Will Be A Day
We will all have to answer for our lives at some time. Peter reminds his readers that false teachers will face judgment. God, because he is loving and good, has to deal with sin. God’s acts of judgment are recorded for us in the Bible. The judgment of God is recorded through scripture from Noah, to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, to the angels who sinned by rebelling against God.
Sometimes we take too lightly the holiness, goodness, and total otherness of God. We emphasize the forgiveness of God and we should. At the same time, it’s important for us to remember that because God is good, he must exercise judgment. He cannot overlook murder, rape, stealing, lying, and all other forms of sin. To do so would destroy his very goodness.
Apart from Jesus, every single one of us are slaves to sin and bound for eternal judgment (Romans 6:16-18). The amazing thing about Jesus is that he took our judgment on himself (John 12:47-48). This isn’t permission to sin. It is actually motivation to honor him by turning away from sin and living in truth.
Regarding false teachers, they twist the Word of God for their own benefit. Teachers should always adopt an attitude of humility, selflessness, service, godly ambition, and holiness. Teachers know they have not arrived, so they live in a state of personal repentance and total dependence on God. A teacher should always deflect personal attention to Jesus. I find it amazing that Paul and Barnabas refused personal attention (Acts 15). After a healing, the watching crowd began to honor them like they were gods. So Paul and Barnabas cried out, “we are men just like you.” Otherwise as “Don’t give us the wrong kind of attention!” Paul and Barnabas pointed the people to God and away from themselves.
Pay attention to the characteristics of false teachers that Peter tells us about. Remember that false teachers won’t have every one of the characteristics listed above, but even a few should be a warning sign. And for those of us that have positions in the church, we would do well to guard our own hearts and minds against sin and greed.
Why is Peter so concerned about his readers?
- How is all of this relevant to today and how can you be aware of false teachers/teachings that might be around in our day?
What would you say to God based on your reading today? Take some time to talk to God in prayer.
Consider writing down a key verse or verses from today on an index card or small piece of paper and carry it with you today. Look at it as often as you can as a reminder of what we learned today.
Possible Verses: 1 Peter 2:1; 1 Peter 2:18-19