Reading Other People’s Mail: 2 John – Day 5
Reading Plan for 2 John – Day 5
Read 2 John Again
As you read make note of the Apostle John’s encouragement to his readers to “continue in.” It may not seem like much, but he is saying something important here.
Final Words about Deceptive Teachers
Remember from yesterday that John was warning his readers against deceivers. These false teachers likely traveled from place to place spreading their teaching as they went. John is clear that there is a difference between “this teaching” and their teaching (1 John 10). This teaching refers to the gospel of Jesus Christ, that he came in the flesh, that he showed us how to live, and that he died on the cross for the forgiveness of sin. Their teaching has no use for salvation from sin. Salvation came via knowledge, specifically new knowledge.
The Ins and Outs of Hospitality
John tells his readers to refuse hospitality to such teachers. This is somewhat shocking given that 1st Centuries value for hospitality. There are several places where believers are told to show hospitality. One is Hebrews 13:2 which says, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it”. Hospitality from a Biblical perspective is one of the ways that we show love to others.
So why does John seem to be promoting doublespeak, saying “love one another” and yet encouraging his readers to refuse hospitality to the deceivers? John tells us. He says that by extending hospitality you “share in his wicked work” (verse 11). Think about it this way. By providing housing and food you would be financially supporting their work. You would be making it possible for them to continue in their deception. Anyone observing would think you are in agreement simply because of association. This is why it’s so important to understand John’s teaching about truth and love. John encourages both. He is telling his readers to love each other from within the boundaries of truth. Deceivers, in particular, are to be denied hospitality because they are claiming to know the truth and yet are deceiving others. 1 John 1:6 says, “If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.” The denial of hospitality seems to only apply to those who claim to know Christ and yet deny him by their teaching.
John tells us that these false teachers “run ahead” of true teaching and therefore do not have God. They do not continue in true teaching about Christ. Those who do continue in the teaching of Christ have both the Father and the Son. This repetition of continue along with the picture of walking and running in this passage conveys the image of a journey. Movement, progress, and growth are things we all desire, but they have to be toward Christ. 1 Peter 2:21 says, “To this you were called…, that you should follow in his steps.” Our eyes should always be on Jesus, even in the midst of suffering or loneliness.
A Warm Farewell
John greets his readers with love and grace (verses 1-3) and ends his letter with warmth and care. His greatest desire is to see them face to face which is so much better than words on a piece of paper.
He also reminds them that they are loved by their brothers and sisters in Christ who send greetings. Remember how John opened his letter? He addressed his letter to the chosen lady and her children. In a previous day’s reading, we talked about how the church is often referred to in the feminine. Chosen is a word that refers to believers in Christ. Children are the members of the local church.
In closing, John reminds his readers of their sister church and the fellow believers there who send their greetings. In this complex and sinful world that we live in, we have a family. There are churches all over the world with whom we share fellowship, faith, and the common bond of Jesus Christ. In many places in the world, church members continue to greet each other as brother or sister and then their name. This is a constant reminder that when one comes to know Christ, they are adopted into one by family. They are brothers and sister with Christ and the adopted children of God. As John says, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are” (1 John 3:1)!
What do you think about John’s teaching on giving hospitality to false teachers and how might people view that today? When does it apply and when doesn’t it apply?
- How do you view the church and what does the image of family do to enlarge your view of the church?
Consider writing down a key verse or verses from today on an index card or small piece of paper and carry it with you today. Look at it as often as you can as a reminder of what we learned today.
Possible Verse: 1 John