Reading Other People’s Mail: 1 John – Day 3
Day 3 – 1 John 3
Take some time to Read 1 John chapter 3
The Pursuit of Purity
Much of the theme of John’s letter is love. First and foremost, it is the love of God for each one of us. John says that even the fact that we can be called children of God is a sign of God’s great love.
John also points his readers (that’s us too) to the day when God comes, and we are made like him. He is not saying that we will be gods. He is saying that we will be fully restored to the purity that he intended for mankind when we were created. This is the purity that we both long for and seek to have even now.
The contrast to that purity is sin. Sin is terrible. It is something foreign to God and should be our enemy in every way. We should want to be done with sin. In fact, John says that “No one who lives in Him continues to sin” (1 John 3:5-6).
What? That’s crazy. Does John really mean that a follower of Jesus never sins? Answer: John isn’t saying that we will be sinless upon faith in Christ. What he is saying is that because of what Jesus has done, we are no longer characterized by sin. In fact, we should hate sin. We should find it so distasteful that when we see it in ourselves and or in the world there is a certain amount of grieving that takes place. Our own sin should break our hearts and cause us to want more of God’s purity.
Don’t be Led Astray
John writes to warn his readers about those who would lead them astray (3:7). The underlying thing that John’s readers know is that many of their former friends and family members were led astray. False teachers began to teach “new things” and lead people away from John’s true testimony. John isn’t clear right now about who these people were, but he does want his readers to know that anyone who leads others into sin, particularly the kinds of sin that he will talk about later in this letter, are “of the devil” (3:8). These words are a warning for all of us also. John is helping us to understand the follower of Jesus is always turned toward righteousness because God himself is righteous and good.
Love as the Greatest Indicator of Faith
One of the things that makes followers of God distinct is the level of love in their lives. A lot of people think that the Old Testament is less loving that the New, but maybe that says more about our perceptions than reality. Even though the Israelites continually fell away, God continued to love and restore them. Exodus 34:6-7 says, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. His love is consistent through all of scripture!
John says that this is the continuous message of God, “from the beginning” (3:11). He most certainly means God’s message in its entirety. But he also means God’s specific message in Christ and the commands of Jesus. Jesus told the disciples that people would know that they are Christians because of their love for one another (John 13:35). The believer has a greater capacity to love because of God’s work (Romans 5:5). If there is no love, then one has to question whether or not they are a true believer.
The ultimate example of love is Jesus (1 John 3:16). Jesus loved us all the way to the cross and the grave. There was no greater love ever shown than the love of Jesus for each one of us. This love isn’t an emotional love. It is a love packed with movement and action. It is a love that moves to save another, moves to protect another, and moves to save others.
The kind of love that we are to have is similar. Our love is something we do, not just feel. In fact, we may do it more than we feel it. There are times when we need to choose to love others even when the emotions aren’t there. Even if the feelings aren’t there, we can still show care, compassion, and yes love in our words and actions.
Of course, there are times when we will wonder if we are doing enough or if we are loving enough. There is a sense in which we will condemn ourselves and wonder if we are really God’s children. John encourages us not to go there, and even if we do, to know that God is greater than the words we tell ourselves (1 John 3:20).
What is really important in all of this? It’s important to do what pleases God. It’s important to obey His commands. Even more important though is to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ and to love one another.
It all starts with Jesus and then flows out from there. Jesus is the one who makes everything come together. The truth is that we can’t love apart from knowing Jesus’s love. Our capacity to love grows when we know that we are loved and that his love fills our hearts and lives and spills out to everyone we know. You are never loving based on your own capacity. You are always loving based on being loved. Loved people, love!
This passage is confusing because it sometimes seems like John is saying that we should be sinless. In what ways has your heart turned toward God and away from sin since you put your faith in Christ?
- If you haven’t put your faith in Christ, then what’s holding you back?
- What does love lived toward others look like in your life? Who around you most needs to be loved?
What would you say to God based on your reading today? Take some time to talk to God in prayer.
Consider writing down a key verse or verses from today on an index card or small piece of paper and carry it with you today. Look at it as often as you can as a reminder of what we learned today.
Possible Verses: 1 John 3:2; 1 John 3:16; 1 John 3:23