
Faithfulness: Part 6

Sunday :: Worship / Fellowship

Message for Sunday, August 20th

Remaining faithful to one’s calling as a Christian seems to be increasingly hard. There are a lot of external things that are putting pressure on us. There are cultural values that conflict with things the Bible says. There are so many voices that question a basic understanding of God’s Word. If we actually choose to follow Jesus in the way the Bible encourages us to, we will “stand out” — and quite likely face ridicule. And yet we are called to His Love and called to be Love in this world. Today we will talk about what it means to be a holy and faithful people of God.

Scripture: 1 Peter 4

Growthday :: Events

Summer in the Psalms

If you are looking for a small group, Bible study, or prayer journey this summer, consider a weekly dive into the Psalms with the Prayer Ministry. It starts Wednesday June 7 at 7:00 pm at the church. Everyone is welcome, and so are snacks and drinks! Teens are invited to volunteer for child care on a pay-by-donation basis. Summer is often busy, so just come when you can. We hope participants will learn and pray favorite and obscure Psalms more deeply. Contact Nik or Elsbeth Grosfield for more information.

Clydehurst Marriage Weekend

August 25 through 27 :: $325 per couple :: Guest speaker, Dave Wyrtzen :: Discover God’s Unique plan for marriage wherein one man and one woman become a whole new entity. Enjoy a walk together along the Boulder River, go on a horse ride, catch a much needed nap, or hike to one of the many waterfalls around camp. We believe this will be a life changing weekend. :: For more information and to register, go to

Fall Women’s Bible Study

Ladies! We will be starting our Monday Night Women’s Bible Study this fall! The study is Beth Moore’s Mercy Triumphs and is an in-depth study on the book of James. Books will be $15 and you can purchase them from Sandy in the office when you stop by to sign up. We will meet every Monday starting September 18th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Gathering Place. Our first night will be a potluck, so bring a main dish or dessert if you are able. Feel free to call the office if you have any questions.

Everyday :: Serve & Witness

Homeward Bound 2017

One thing we know, from the Author of Love; love is an action. This past week our community experienced an amazing overflow of tangible love. Please join us this afternoon at 2:00 pm in the park as we wrap up another week of service and share amongst one another all the wonderful activities for Homeward Bound 2017, and, eat ice cream!